Stories/Novel · 12:24am Jul 27th, 2018
So, I've been thinking about writing a novel, though I'm having trouble coming up with an idea that I like. If anyone has any ideas they'd like to share, or any stories they always wanted to read, then I'd love to hear them. I'd prefer any ideas, at least for a novel, to be non-MLP, but I'll still take MLP ideas. There's no reason I wouldn't be able to use them for stories here.
Hey there, I haven't seen you online for more than awhile. How are you? Follow my new fimfic profile please. I have authentication troubles with my old one so I'd love to have you follow me again.
Howdy howdy!
Thank you for adding A New Chapter to your favorites!
Thanks for adding Sunset’s Trial and The Trial Continues and The Trial Concludes.
Thx 4 the fav!