• Member Since 11th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


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Knock. Knock. · 2:34am Last Tuesday

We are back, DEAR READERS!

Back from the dead! Back from the joint. Back from the hole. Back from the Oregon State Hospital. Back from the damn streets. Back on the bridge in the Captain's chair!

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Comments ( 432 )
  • Viewing 428 - 432 of 432

Thank you! I Just happened to come across that one today! But the fact that someone cared enough to share made my day. Keep reeding, the best is yet to come.

Hey I think you may be mighty surprised to see this lovely piece popped up recently!

I genuinely love your depiction of Sunset Shimmer in your stories. MADverse Sunset is my absolute favorite version of her on this website!

I hope you can come back to writing it's sad to see these stories languish

the hell'd you go, you write good stuff

  • Viewing 428 - 432 of 432
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