• Member Since 23rd Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


public enemy number one, apparently. if i'm not being outright hostile, i'm trying to be nice


Pro Tip on getting me to be quiet in your comments, authors · 7:05am Jan 18th, 2022

if i'm acting the fool, do not respond. do not reply. leave your dislike and continue with your day. because guess what? most times, this isn't even really your fault. it's the site's problem for not having a proper tagging and filtration system. you're stuck with like, 3 character tags on a story maximum, and the genre tags are broad as fuck. were this site to have a proper tagging and filtering system, like AO3, you'd be able to have as many tags as you could think

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Report Late_Night · 1,175 views ·
Comments ( 165 )
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LLEEWDER #165 · May 3rd · · 1 ·

What's your normal blood pressure readings?

Thanks for the fav

Thanks for checking out "XIX" and "The Gray Chapters", dude. I'm so pumped to start up this new story, so I hope you'll enjoy it too.

Also, thanks for checking out "Insecticide". I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for adding To Cure Insanity Please Insert MORE Ponies to your favorites.

  • Viewing 161 - 165 of 165
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