Merry Christmas · 8:04pm Dec 24th, 2018
Not using the internet tomorrow, so I just want to say now that I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas
Not using the internet tomorrow, so I just want to say now that I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas
Okay, holiday's over now, and it was a pretty good one. Ready to get back into it now
Alright, my first blog post here.
Anyway, for those who were maybe expecting me to put up a new chapter or story this weekend, I'm sorry to say that will not be the case. You see, my girlfriend and I will be taking a long weekend holiday together, and as such I'll be gone from the internet until at least Tuesday evening next week. Because of this, my plan is that there won't be any more fanfic stuff from me until the following weekend.
Not using the internet tomorrow, so I just want to say now that I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas
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I sure will try! I really enjoy adapting good stories and directing voice artists.
I did! Keep it up.
I see. Well, I hope you enjoy my video!
They were last online July 15th, I guess they mostly just visit from time to time.
I'm not sure if you've left Fimfiction forever, but I wanted to share this here on your page for any of your other readers visiting who may enjoy it: