• Member Since 7th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen 8 minutes ago


Just a guy who likes writing and reading some pony fanfiction.

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Going to Start College in the Fall (Hopefully) · 3:23am May 29th

If all goes according to plan, I should be starting college this upcoming fall. I'll be studying to get my masters in fine arts. This will eat up a good chunk of my time, so uploads and updates on stories may be reduced to a snail's crawl. I know I haven't done much on here recently, but that's due to having little to no motivation to write and being overwhelmed by various story requests. (I will get to them eventually!) Anyway, thought you guys may like to know what's going on in my life. Take

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Report doomie-22 · 215 views ·
Comments ( 258 )
  • Viewing 254 - 258 of 258

I hope you're okay.

Comment posted by LordFlareon deleted April 7th

What did they post in the groups?

Comment posted by LordFlareon deleted April 6th

Yes, normally someone who makes a bunch of foalcon stories wouldn't post a doxing list to all groups they can post in

  • Viewing 254 - 258 of 258
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