Brilliant Asperger Minds Unification

For all the Bronies, with Aspbergers, and disabilities as such.

P.S. You can post stories that have a character that:
* Is Autistic
* Has Aspbergers

Post whatever your creative mind wishes to(No NSFW)

We also have poetry and more to come hopefully.

Come here and be with your broth-erring and Sister-ring :twilightsmile:

1) Be nice
2) Don't be dumb. Use common sense before you post something on a thread. Those who engage in fire wars will have a PM talk with an admin. As for trolls, we will just have to ignore you. And do be upfront and honest when speaking to an admin.
3) Do not be offensive towards anyone.
4) Don't argue with an Admin. Their words are the law of this chat. If you think they are wrong, send a PM to NicLove.

Edit: How do I change the way that the parts are placed in this group ?

Comments ( 83 )
  • Viewing 64 - 83 of 83

what do you think of Luna Lovegood ?

what are you tiered of seeing in Movies and shows ?

mine is having the characters with AS only wanted after "he" solves the main character's problem
but until then, "he" is only saw as a annoying nuisance that gets barely tolerated


you want to post in
Made by a AS

Excuse me but it tells me I don't have permission?

Hey I'd like to submit my stories?

I don't even know if I'm on the spectrum so this feels


Comment posted by Dragon-In-Black deleted Jul 27th, 2023

Why was I invited, and how did you know I have Aspergers?


My character Luna the Wolf has autism like me

Whoever disliked my stories, you're a jerk XP

Why can't I add a story to the Made by a Autistic/Author, but no Asperger/Autistic character group?

I'm here to support a friend who had joined in this group and also; I have a character that she will use in her story. The OC's name is Fly By and she is a Pegasus mare.

  • Viewing 64 - 83 of 83