• Member Since 4th Jan, 2016
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Time Reaper

Greetings from Venezuela, I don't expect to do much here, I just got a few stories in my head and wanted write them here, I hope you like them. I take Commissions and can get Ko-Fi donations.

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Blog Posts

  • 135 weeks
    Everything on Hiatus

    I got an actual job and my PC got wet by water because a water tube in my room broke and soaked almost everything (my game library got saved) so I cannot write neither have the time for it.

    Sorry, IDK for how long will it remain this way but I needed to post this.

    Have a nice time everyone, I hope you enjoyed my stories.

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    0 comments · 272 views
  • 185 weeks
    Ok, I can't postpone this anymore

    My laptop's keyboard is busted. I can only write using it's touchpad, which takes half of the screen, and it looks like I'll have to take money from my savings (which were to buy a proper pc) to get a keyboard with a USB port so I can write again but, until the, all my stories are postponed indefinitely.

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    1 comments · 334 views
  • 193 weeks
    Update: Greed is about to fight Twilight in The Redemption of a Never Ending Ambition

    As our story progress, Twilight and her friends has decided to move and take Spike back from Greed, come here and read the peace before the storm as Twilight and her friends get ready for a rematch.

    EThe Redemption of a Never Ending Ambition
    One day, Twilight found a new type of gem that she has never seen before and brought it to her library. Spike is a dragon that eats gems and the gem Twilight brought has awoken feelings that he haven't felt in a while.
    Time Reaper · 79k words  ·  77  5 · 3k views
    0 comments · 346 views
  • 198 weeks
    A Question to my readers regarding new stories

    Hello all, yes, I'm still writing the next chapter of Legacy of Kain: Harmony's Rise, I'm getting close to pass the part I'm having problems with writing. But that's not why I'm making this blog, you see, I am always making new stories in my mind like a The World Ends With You crossover, a super long epic multiverse story, an Enter The Gungeon crossover, a [C]: The Money of Soul and Possibility of Control story, etc.

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  • 198 weeks
    For Debates and Arguments: Good/Bad Faith Arguments

    To My Readers: Still trying to write the next Legacy of Kain chapter, I just have a hard time concentrating.

    Since I've been accused of doing "Bad Faith Arguments" plenty of times, I decided to look up what it meant.

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    0 comments · 319 views
  • 214 weeks
    The Fractured Unity is being continued

    After over a year of writer's block, The Fractured Unity has been updated and I'll try to update it every three months. Please let me know what you think of it, I would deeply appreciate it, because I'll be rereading my story to see what problems can be fixed. Thanks, I hope you enjoy this.

    EThe Fractured Unity
    Come around and see the mixture of two stories. One were ponies start meeting changelings through the lenses of six ponies now, turned changelings, and another one of queens facing the changing of history through their eyes.
    Time Reaper · 118k words  ·  32  7 · 2.6k views
    0 comments · 216 views
  • 215 weeks
    Happy New Year everyone, here's an update on my stories

    Hi, everyone, happy New Year. I know I've been very innactive this 2020 and I would like to apologize for not posting many stories (6 chapters at best) and while I would like to blame this passing year for that, it doesn't excuse my fault of not giving you anything.

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    0 comments · 159 views
  • 217 weeks
    Update on my Full metal Alchemist Crossover

    Sorry for taking so long updating this one, it took me a while to properly focus for this chapter. I hope you like it, please do tell me your opinions of it.

    EThe Redemption of a Never Ending Ambition
    One day, Twilight found a new type of gem that she has never seen before and brought it to her library. Spike is a dragon that eats gems and the gem Twilight brought has awoken feelings that he haven't felt in a while.
    Time Reaper · 79k words  ·  77  5 · 3k views
    0 comments · 215 views
  • 224 weeks
    New Horror Story Based Around Another Venezuela Ghost

    This one was hard to write about because I only had one source, so I had to try to make it work with only that but, considering how it came out, I feel very confident with the result. I hope you like it.

    TThe Legend of the Lady of The Night
    A group of royal guards are sent to the western coast of Equestria to investigate a series of disappearances and tales revolving ghost. Little did they know one would find them first.
    Time Reaper · 5.1k words · 278 views
    0 comments · 166 views
  • 238 weeks
    So I've been reading a few post on this site

    Apparently people is talking about censoring or removing stories depicting Nazis? I understand this has something to do with the nuke of Derpibooru and I've read some post of people saying that Free Speech is only on the US 1st amendment or how useless it is to debate other people and, personally, I disagree but, on this regard, I don't want to make a post about it yet.

    I would first like to hear the opinion from you. What is your take on this and what do you understand from all of this?

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    11 comments · 445 views

Commission rates, Translation rates and Ko-Fi Donations · 12:40am May 7th, 2019

Price System

- The initial charge will be of 1 dollar for every 100 words for any story, that way, a 1000 words story would cost 10 USD but, should things get more complex, the final price can be negotiated but, at least, 50% of the payment must be given upfront if you are a first time customer and I won't write content that makes me uncomfortable. Beyond this the system will go through the following:

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Comments ( 141 )
  • Viewing 122 - 141 of 141


Thanks, don't listen to them. Random people on the internet that don't know you have no power over you, especially when one lives in Greece and the other has a minority view.

You are one of the best people on this site.

Been Schapiro somehow also has a singing voice far better than his annoying nasally regular voice


Oh yeah, I plan to read it. Best wishes.

Nice... just watching things here... just spending time with family... the news just sucks... lol... just finished chapter 5 for A Pony Among Humans and Robots... also writing more fanfics and original fics.


Since I haven't read the news since January 14th, I'll say boring but I'm reading them again and while most of it suck, at least I have a glimmer of hope to survive all of this.

EDIT: Also, I'm trying to write more stories again, including "Friendship is Glitching"

How has life been?


Thank you very much, the same can be said about you.


Oh yeah, Latin America is a beautiful continent, each country has its own vibe and culture. I hope you get to enjoy your next visit.

Thanks, I shall join.

Just peachy... just watching my country tear itself apart, lol... its been crazy to say the least. Just been praying and hoping the Supreme Court decides on the election like back in 2000.

Hope you're staying safe in Venezuela.
Always wanted to visit. The only South American country I've been to was Peru.


If you're interested, I'm admin on this political group where we're allowed to share our political opinions as long as they don't break site rules (like don't be a jerk)


Well, I've been watching the disaster from down here and I'm not really sure what to expect. On one hand, if it's true the Democrats committed fraud, then that's a big blow for the democratic process in the US but if Biden's victory is legit, then the next US president is someone who will be sided with Maduro (I'm from Venezuela) and his allies (China) so I'm not really sure how to feel right now.

All I hope is that everything goes fine.

And how are you?


Well, I've been watching the disaster from down here and I'm not really sure what to expect. On one hand, if it's true the Democrats committed fraud, then that's a big blow for the democratic process in the US but if Biden's victory is legit, then the next US president is someone who will be sided with Maduro (I'm from Venezuela) and his allies (China) so I'm not really sure how to feel right now.

All I hope is that everything goes fine.

And how are you?

How have you been?

So glad you liked it, I never would have thought Tim Pool had a signing voice like that

  • Viewing 122 - 141 of 141
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