• Member Since 18th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen Sep 17th, 2016

That Forerunner

Im that Forerunner thats all there is to it. Also highly trained in the art of Fist-Fucking

Guy who does not know he is out of Ammo.

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Update · 8:35pm Feb 17th, 2016

So, as some of you may be wondering, WHERE THE FUCK IS CHAPTER 7 FOR HARMONY'S MANTLE!! Well I have been forgetting to say but for over 4 mouths I've been without a computer and I have pretty no way of accessing the document for chapter 7, but I SHOULD be getting my new computer this Sunday, thank fucking god! But before I continuing working on chapter 7, I plan to rewrite the other chapters with my editor, so that they don't suck balls. But there is a possible chance the computer will not

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Report That Forerunner · 470 views · Story: Halo: Harmony's Mantle ·
Comments ( 118 )
  • Viewing 114 - 118 of 118

Why do you hate humans Iso Didact?

Cheers for adding "Observations" to your bookshelves~

Your love of halo intrigues me...

  • Viewing 114 - 118 of 118
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