• Member Since 12th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen May 18th, 2016


Suggest who you want to see next in the Heartwarming moment series in my Blog.

Suggestions for Heartwarming moment series go in the Blog Post.

The things I wrote.


Round 2 · 8:46pm May 10th, 2016

I'm back guys, I'm alive and well and still kicking :P

After a lot of hard work and many sleepless nights, I failed my exams anyway, so I have time to spare :D. It's been a long time that I have done anything mlp related at all, and I still have to watch season 4, 5 and 6 but as soon as that's done I'll start writing again you can count on that!

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Report NightShader · 1,091 views · Story: Royal Affection ·
Comments ( 87 )
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Press F to pay respect...

I agree 100000%, mah dude.

First of all, are you going to do anymore stories in the Hearthswarming Moments series?

Second, can you do one on Vinyl Scratch, Derpy, Apple Fritters, and Minuette?

I really enjoy the Hearthswarming Moments series...


Last online, 2016 :applecry:

Will do an Equestria Girls Heartwarming series anytime soon? I'd love to ones featuring the Dazzlings.

  • Viewing 83 - 87 of 87
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Important Notice.

Because of the amount of followers I currently have, people start reading my stories expecting high quality writing. For those people, I'm sorry but you are going to be dissapointed.

In my old FimFic biography (That for whatever reason has been deleted) you could read some personal info about me, some of you might even remember. Hereby some info about myself that new followers probably do not know:

I am a 17 year old fanfiction writer whose main language is not english. I have read alot of fanfics in the past and because of that, I gained a general understanding of how a story should be written. Each time I decide to write a new story, I just start writing with no general plan in mind. As such my stories can be seen as inconsistent and unprofessional, but I write just for fun and actually never expected to get so many followers. Alot of people have told me that it's better to have a story all planned out already, but I'm lazy :D

True that I used to have some Ideas in a document, but after 6 or 7 stories, those Ideas have depleted.

Lastly, to give an example, if you read the first story I've ever written (I was 15 years old at the time) and compare it to any of my recent stories, you will notice that the quality has increased dramatically. It's still flawed, but I've improved alot. And that's why I started writing in the first place, to get better at it.

That is all.