• Member Since 18th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


i will hopefully be able to write as well as the others if i start to write stories


Promises · 4:30pm May 11th, 2013

After many hours of consideration I have decided to continue my story and not give up I give you my vow that I WILL get better I WILL NOT let anyone get me down I WILL finish this fic and I WILL NOT let anyone stick a finger in my face and tell me I'm no good not ever again I won't finish this fic as soon as I would have like to have done, but I will get better at grammar and get better at paying attention at what I'm writing in depth I promise you with my life I'm not giving this up I have

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Report Righteousdemon15 · 471 views ·

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Thank you so much for the favoring one of my stories. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for the favorite

Thank you for the favorite! :twilightsmile:

Your support is greatly appreciated.

Thanks for liking my story 8) <3

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Promises · 4:30pm May 11th, 2013

After many hours of consideration I have decided to continue my story and not give up I give you my vow that I WILL get better I WILL NOT let anyone get me down I WILL finish this fic and I WILL NOT let anyone stick a finger in my face and tell me I'm no good not ever again I won't finish this fic as soon as I would have like to have done, but I will get better at grammar and get better at paying attention at what I'm writing in depth I promise you with my life I'm not giving this up I have

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Report Righteousdemon15 · 471 views ·