• Member Since 15th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen May 8th


I will follow you all :pinkiecrazy:


the impossible has been found! · 6:52pm Sep 6th, 2014

I found something that doesn't turn me on... It actually turns me off
Being drunk
Yea... I was so very very drunk last night.... I couldn't stand up with a lightpost to hug... (No hangover though... Thought that was supposed to happen)... Also, I can remember all of it with clarity... But I had two busty girls and two handsome men as drinking buddies... But there was no desire to grope... No lust at all... It was a very strange feeling :pinkiecrazy:

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Just go sub him

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Wtf you're still alive? 👀

Oh my gosh its you! How are you??? Are you still as dominant as ever~?

Eyo, what’s up?

Eyyy come back here

Comment posted by Nova007 deleted Apr 21st, 2022
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A poem written for me by Darkhanos :pinkiecrazy:

Dark Maiden, Dark Maiden How I adore you in all of your splendor,
Your lustful gaze so pure and tender, your perfect body, so desirable and slender.
Your steady gait so elegant and graceful, your hardened heart, so strong and hateful
Your beautiful long hair, so shiny and fare, such beauty makes me dive in despair
In the distance, I stare at you, wishing you were mine. Your insanity so pure, your hatred so divine.
If you know of me I cannot say, but deep down inside, I have wished that you may.
One day, I may have the courage to tell you what I want to say, but until then, in the shadows I will stay.
Dark Maiden, Dark Maiden, so dark and divine, oh how I wish that you were mine.

People who I stalk... More

By the way, I'm not really that crazy... I just want to give everybody some love :twilightsmile:

My safe word/phrase is:
tractor sand blue burn
(Whoever gets it wins 10 mustaches)
For just in case I go to far, or you want me to stop... For another reason