• Member Since 19th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 29th, 2014

Peppy Greyskull

Pony smut author known for his love of fillies, futa, and Nightmare Moon and his deep-seated hatred for all males.

Shit About Me and Stuff

Hey there! My name is Lord Peppy Cloppingskull the Grey, also known as 'That Smut Author', and this is the story of my life! I eat, I breathe, I sleep, I poop, and I write fanfics (typically smut, if my random-user-appointed title did not give that away).

I like to take long walks on the beach, collect beach volley balls, play seashells, and club baby seals, but not exactly in that particular order. Video games are also nice, too.

I have an extreme fetish for fillies, especially of the lesbian futanari variety, and absolutely loathe any male ever, especially Spike Door Mat, Time Turner, Gayburn, Fag Mac, Ass Shitry, and Bluebitch. I also cannot stand people who hide behind personality disorders as an excuse to behave improperly.

I pray to our Lady and Saviour, Her Royal Majesty Lauren Faust daily, and vigorously masturbate to My Little Pony pornography.


How is this not popular? · 11:07am Jun 10th, 2014

I cried. ME. I don't fucking cry for shit.

Fuck all them faggots with their faggoty-ass LoHAVs and shit. Read this:

Injuring Eternity

Do it. That is all.

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I give permission to post this story on wattpad

Hey it's tictac that car has a big @$$🍿

I wonder how bad the BanHammer hurt, lol. I also wonder why admins simply don't go ahead and delete a user's page and all associated content when said user gets banned. Ah well, still amusing.

Wonder if he will ever get unbanned?

Tenth #810 · Nov 4th, 2016 · · 1 ·

So, let me get this straight, Peppy got banned because of harsh reviews he wrote?

There is literally a whole group here on fimfiction based on bashing people on how bad their stories are.

After that fateful Night
has been updated to chapter 58

Why did you get banned?

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