• Member Since 27th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 28th, 2013



Huh? · 8:39pm Dec 20th, 2012

So the website popped up this banner for me that said UPDATE YOUR PASSWORD OMGOMGOMGOMG! I go to do that and it keeps me from saving it because apparently my user name has an 'invalid character'


*sigh* Welp. I guess that's that then.....

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111642 I regret nothing. It's your fault more than anyone else's...You go and write a crossover combining ponies and my number 1 favorite books series from when I was little; I can see no other alternative to what has transpired this day.


I mean, thanks for the watch.



96192 shoo dap bo wee baap buh boopidy shoopidy doo wap bo baaaaaaam~

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