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Quotes to Stand By
Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.
Albert Einstein
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
Winston Churchill
Conformity is a restraining shackle. The freedom to creativity is one of the most important aspects of art.
Divided We Fall
The two princesses, one believing in slavery and one in freedom, separate Equestria
by Jewbacca
1,363 words
· 13 · 12
The Doctor's In Town
A discharged combat medic comes to Ponyville, fearing no one would take him, but somepony does.
by Jewbacca
2,650 words
A New Universe, No Matter What!
Cyrus, formerly of Team Galactic, reaches to Equestria after being seemingly lost forever inside of the Distortion World.
by Jewbacca
3,923 words
· 38 · 3
An Unwelcome Visitor
A Leviathan embedded itself in Equestria, and the horrors it beholds is beyond words.
by Jewbacca
4,444 words
· 17 · 0
Maretroid: Ridley and the Fall of Equestria
The infamous antagonist from Metroid, Ridley, winds up in Equestria, what's happening?
by Jewbacca
12,440 words
· 38 · 8
Welcome to Equestria, Friend
John Marston and Nigel West Dickens in Equestria, what else is there to say?
by Jewbacca
9,614 words
· 83 · 5
Of Earth, Sea and Sky: The Titans of Weather
The Weather Trio begin a brawl in Equestria after an upset balance in the natural forces.
by Jewbacca
4,860 words
· 95 · 4
Cyrus, formerly of Team Galactic, reaches to Equestria after being seemingly lost forever inside of the Distortion World.
Jewbacca ·
3.9k words
· 38
3 ·
The Weather Trio begin a brawl in Equestria after an upset balance in the natural forces.
Jewbacca ·
4.9k words
· 95
4 ·
John Marston and Nigel West Dickens in Equestria, what else is there to say?
Jewbacca ·
9.6k words
· 83
5 ·
The two princesses, one believing in slavery and one in freedom, separate Equestria
Jewbacca ·
1.4k words
· 13
12 ·
A Leviathan embedded itself in Equestria, and the horrors it beholds is beyond words.
Jewbacca ·
4.4k words
· 17
0 ·
Sometimes, life for Scootaloo's newfound friend, a Zeta Metroid, can be quite a hassle
Jewbacca ·
3.2k words
well we lost another one
To you as well!
1047206 Ah, okay. 'Cause we had a guy who was like six foot seven who went by that moniker. I've never met anyone else who did.
Pleasure meeting ya!
If you'd ever seen a pic of me, you'd know I would do anything BUT cross country. And, no, I'm not familiar with that school.