• Member Since 10th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 6th, 2018


Still figuring myself out. Come back in a few months, I might be able to tell you then.

Explorations into the Ideologies of Fandom

A self-made project of mine to explore and better understand the inner workings and perceptions of fandoms.
Articles and interviews for this project will update biweekly in the blog area of my account. Check in to see the newest articles.


Been to Hell · 4:07pm Mar 24th, 2016

And no, I don’t mean California. What I do mean is that nothing has gone right for me recently – though some of it is now getting better. To save you all from a long winded rant about what’s happened, why it’s so bad, and how it caused a situation where I don’t have the time to write, etc., etc. I’ve instead crafted a quick list below about my current situation.

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Who am I? I'm Flamer_Brony!


Comments ( 160 )
  • Viewing 156 - 160 of 160

1683663 That's funny, I school just ended for me.

1682292 Hi there, I'm doing well; about to go to bed for the night. Yourself?

Thanks for the comment and the support.:twilightsmile: I shall wait for the next chapter with vigor.:pinkiehappy:

Didn't think about it at the time.

849770 Thanks, but one question, why are you commenting on my user page instead of my story. :applejackconfused:

  • Viewing 156 - 160 of 160
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