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- It takes monsters to beat monsters. So when they appear out of nowhere, it takes one man to summon the power of monsters himself.Sketch D Tail · 2.4k words · 12 3 · 1.2k views
- Nine. One human and eight mares and stallions. This is the story of their beginnings and their end.Sketch D Tail · 8.1k words · 14 0 · 717 views
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Ignis Draco Nocturna History states that Princess Celestia banished Nightmare Moon away to the moon with the Elements of Harmony, that's true. But there was one other being present at the time who aided Celestia. A being who's magic can only be used by him and by Sketch D Tail 64,577 words · 369 · 26
I am so grateful that you all who have read my stories and deemed it popular enough to make it into the featured box. Thank you all.
1942969 Ah no worries mate, spellcheck is annoying like that.
1504835 Ooooo.
1504686 I'm not even kidding, it's 34 degrees outside and for some stupid reason, when I went with mum to help wash the cars, I decided to wear black clothes.
1504675 Just saw it once I posted.
1504642 Do you not see that little bio under my name? I'm Australian. Hence the heat.
1504631 it does?
1504627 Holiday? I'd have to say Christmas. Although it gets too bloody hot at that time.
1504622 Thank you for the watch!
What is your favorite holiday?
1504593 And you're a Pokémon fan too! Hang on one sec there mate.
A Fairy Tail fan! Must follow!