• Member Since 22nd Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


I'm a brony who loves making fan-fictions and give my opinion on movies I've seen.


Update 7/18/2021 · 1:12pm Jul 18th, 2021

A new Chapter for As a Family is now up

Battle for Equatria has gotten its second chapter revamped to a new level with an appearance from a familiar kaiju that Kaiju fans might recognize.

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Comments ( 147 )
  • Viewing 143 - 147 of 147

Thanks for the follow! :yay:

Thanks for the follow! 🦈 ^.^

There is a story that maybe you could be interested in is called where my love the story has a prequel if you want I pass the link of both stories
This is the hisThis is the story https://www.fimfiction.net/story/214973/where-is-my-love
This is the prequel to the other hiThis is the prequel to the other story https://www.fimfiction.net/story/199588/where-did-daddy-go
First look at the prequel and then the one that follows. If you want

  • Viewing 143 - 147 of 147
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