• Member Since 17th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I'm your average every day dreamful writer, 1/4 Whovian, 1/4 Brony, 1/4 Anime lover, 1/4 SU Fan, and 100% Autistic.

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Retirement · 12:14am Dec 29th, 2021

Idk if I already said this or not, but either way, it should be noted. As of the series finale 2 years ago, I have retired as an active fan in the Brony/Pegasister community. As interesting as the Gen 5 series looks, I just don't have the same hunger and drive to keep going. My heart forever lies with the Gen 4 Friendship is Magic. I'll still follow all the stories on FIMFiction, as well as listen to the comic dubs made by my fellow fans and check in on the group(s) that I'm in. That said, I'll

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Thanks for the fav!

Thanks for favoriting Spike the Fairy

Cheers for the add.

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