• Member Since 30th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 11th, 2021


Approved and liked by "Twilight's Library"


I'm alive! But swamped with work · 10:40pm Dec 5th, 2016

Hey guys,

sorry, I know I promised you a new chapter in may, but since I've got to handle my master's degree in mechanical engineering as well as part-time work as an engineer, free time is scarce.
I hope that I'll find some time around christmas, if I'm not drowning in work for university.
But no matter what, this story will never be cancelled, I give you my word.

Your writer who is unbelievably greatful for your patience


Report DuskShadowTheArkane · 560 views · Story: Twilight's Life ·

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Will he ever return? Will the stories he's left unfinished be continued? Will all of the content starved followers get to see the return of a great hero? Find out next time on... Fimfiction Ball Z!

Pllllleeeeeaaaaassssseeeee update!

I love your story. Baby Twilight babbling is so CUTE :pinkiehappy:. Hopefully you finish this story. Take your time, though. I can get my cuties by rereading the parts I like :twilightsmile:

would it be alright if you were to add Momlestia and Sunset Shimmer to the Momlestia group, please

Hi Dusk Shadow! How are you? :pinkiehappy:

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