• Member Since 19th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen May 16th



Fimfic and adds ... · 12:44pm Jun 1st, 2014

I know adds keep the store running BUT when they crash my computer or slow it down to the point that NOTHING WORKS then something has gone drastically wrong!
Prioritize Dammit! Story First THEN adds!
I shouldn't have to wait five minutes for the adds to finish loading on the screen before i get to see the chapter update!
This shit is getting old, please knock it off!
thank you

Report khatre · 413 views ·
Comments ( 152 )
  • Viewing 148 - 152 of 152

Hey, thanks for the fav! :twilightsmile:
Praise on, Sunbro! \ [T]'/

Thanks for the fave!

Thanks for the favourite for 'Dying Embers' :twilightsmile: I hope you enjoy it

Thanks for faving A Second Chance :pinkiehappy:

A big thanks for the fave of Journey to the center of Equestria my dear, may you enjoy the chapters to come.

  • Viewing 148 - 152 of 152
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