I'm on Patreon now! · 11:36am Jun 17th, 2014
Hi, guys!
I have a Patreon account now!
A link to my Patreon Account!
What's Patreon? It's like an ongoing kickstarter - you simply pledge micro-donations to your favorite artists/fan-artists/YT vloggers/musicians etc. either per month or per creation. This way you can support them in their efforts to entertain you!
Well, if you like my comics, you might pledge donation or just spread the word! Every bit counts!
Part of the ship
Part of the crew
Fancy finding you on fimfiction.net! I knew you from dSana's comics.
Your character needs to consider doing business that's not ACME.
I deleted it.
What happened to your "Icky Revenge" story? When I clicked on it at the end of one of your other stories it said it doesn't exist. Also why would the site suggest a story that doesn't exist?
I have no clue where this video is from.