• Member Since 7th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 22nd, 2017


Hey guys! I write sadfics and sadfic accessories! Oh, and I also do comedy things. Yeah. Feel free to check out my stuff! And I hope you enjoy whichever story of mine you happen to be on! ^^


Current Ongoing Fictions

Current Project: The Vampirization of Octavia Melody (No Set Release Schedule)

Stuff Before the Period of Absence

The Strings That Make no Sound (Octavia, Vinyl Scratch, Sad)
The Death of an Age (Combat-Fic. Mane 6 vs Changelings)
Curse of the Alicorn (Sad, Trixie and Twilight Sparkle)
A Winter Stroll (Romance, Slice, Pipsqueak and Dinky)
A Wish (Sad, Twilight and Family)
The Teachings of Lost Love (Romance, Slice of Life - Big Mac and Cheerilee)
Everypony's Stalkin' (Comedy - Chaotic Harmony <Didn't write it myself, friend asked me to post it>)
You Want to do What Now? (Comedy, Bait-and-switch - Shining Armor and Cadance)
The Rise and Fall of One R. Dash (Sad, Rainbow Dash)
The Apple Never Falls Far (Sad, Big Macintosh)
Sitting in the Shade (Sad, Celestia and Twilight Sparkle)

The Game of Immortality (Sad: Colgate)
Just How Old is She Anyway? (Comedy: Granny Smith, Cutie Mark Crusaders)
The Loosening of the Screw (Sad: Screw Loose)
Shattered Stars (Sad: Trixie, Twilight)
Time Spells and Tears (Sad: Twilight, Princesses, Shining Armor)
Keepsake Apples (Sad: Applejack, Big Mac, Applebloom)
The Tools of My Trade (Comedy: Self-insertception, Trollfic)
Immortal's Retribution (Sad: Celestia, Luna)
Drops of Moonlight (Sad: Luna, Celestia)
Fluttershy Learns the Royal Canterlot Speaking Voice (Comedy: Fluttershy)
Something to Remember me by (Sad: Fluttershy, Mane 6)
Caring for a Caregiver (Sad: OC, Nurse Redheart)
A Cold, Wintry Evening (Slice of Life, Sad: OC, Berry Punch)
Twilight Sparkle and the Seemingly Unanswerable Question (Comedy/Trollfic) Twilight Sparkle
My Fault (Sad: Rarity, Rainbow Dash)
Sunshine and Celery...Stalkers? (Self-insert, Trollfic, 300 watcher special.
The Things that Change Us (Trixie, Dark) <EqD Contest Entry>

The Party is Over (Sad: Pinkie Pie)
Faded Rainbows (Sad: Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo)
One Last Kindness (Sad: Fluttershy)
The Darkest Part of the Day (Sad: Twilight Sparkle)
Stone's Embrace (Sad: Discord)
Wheels of Fire, Wings of Fliers (Slice of Life: Scootaloo)
Of Blades and Brothers (CANCELED LONGFIC)
What Went Wrong (Sad: Derpy)
Dreams and Aspirations (Sad: Rarity)


<Professional> It's... ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE! · 9:54pm Aug 22nd, 2014

Hello all! It's your friendly neighborhood sadfic writer, Chaotic!

Y'know... the one who promises he is writing again but doesn't deliver for six months?

Yeaaaaah.... I know, I suck.


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Report ChaoticHarmony · 886 views ·
Comments ( 148 )
  • Viewing 144 - 148 of 148

I'm not sure what kind of stories you like, and I am not going to asume anything about you but... I have read it 4 times and am going to read it a 5th time when it is all cleaned up. (183,000 words!)
So in short, I love it!

1092336 I honestly haven't read it too far :ajsleepy: Just the first few chapters :unsuresweetie:

How do you feel about the story "Chaotic Harmony" by Shirotora?:duck:

:rainbowlaugh: I saw your comment on that story a while back and laughed pertty hard.


Sadhorse is alive! :trollestia:

  • Viewing 144 - 148 of 148
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