<Professional> It's... ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE! · 9:54pm Aug 22nd, 2014
Hello all! It's your friendly neighborhood sadfic writer, Chaotic!
Y'know... the one who promises he is writing again but doesn't deliver for six months?
Yeaaaaah.... I know, I suck.
I'm not sure what kind of stories you like, and I am not going to asume anything about you but... I have read it 4 times and am going to read it a 5th time when it is all cleaned up. (183,000 words!)
So in short, I love it!
1092336 I honestly haven't read it too far Just the first few chapters
How do you feel about the story "Chaotic Harmony" by Shirotora?
I saw your comment on that story a while back and laughed pertty hard.
Sadhorse is alive!