• Member Since 10th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 29th, 2019


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So, it's my Birthday tomorrow, and I got the most amazing cake... · 8:48pm Apr 6th, 2013

Sweet? Right? And that wasn't even meant to be a pun.

So, I'm 19 now. In Canada, that's the legal drinking age. I'm going out with my dad to the bar to celebrate! Who's joining?

And since I've got your attention, I'm not dead. Actually, I'm more active than ever.

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Report Syn3rgy · 856 views ·

Writing is Magic: Podcast Info

Hey all!

In the calm before I put out my story on the New Lunar Republic/Solar Empire next week, I'd like to bring something to your attention.

I and a group of friends are going to start a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to the fic’s of this fandom, and we need you!

The podcast will be broken into three sections:

-Worst Fanfic (What you should not be doing)

-A story handpicked by I or by one of the other members of the podcast (For critiquing)

-Top fanfic (What you should be doing)

So where do you come in, eh?

For the first section, I'm open for you guys to recommend the worst fanfic you've found while on FIMfic. If we pick your suggestion, you'll be mentioned in the podcast.

Another way is if you find a really great fanfic in the Fandom. If we pick your suggestion, you’ll be mentioned in the podcast as well.

The final option is a truly unique experience. Any writer who wants to improve can send their most recent story (or a story they want us to look at) to me over a PM or an upcoming blog that I will be putting out. One story will be picked and then critiqued live over the podcast by a group of writers who specialize in particular mediums across the spectrum of writing: from character development, to plot, to theme and grammar/punctuation. Our goal is to educate those up-and-coming fic writers on how to write an appropriate story.

If you’re wondering how to find our podcast, I’d recommend you go over to this site on Justin TV to take a look. If you make an account, you can follow us, and be updated via email every time we go on the air. If you don’t follow, that’s fine; I’ll be notifying whoever is following me here on FIM when the next episode is airing.

Sounds cool?

What are you waiting for then!?



Comments ( 48 )
  • Viewing 44 - 48 of 48

Just making sure it was you not a changeling :twilightsmile: (impostor)

2007982 Yep. I even confirmed it on the comment by responding to it with my pony name. But thank you for your concern.

Just letting you know M.N Togo (on YouTube) is claiming to be you and wondering if you can confirm.

  • Viewing 44 - 48 of 48
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