An alarm sounds. There's a planet nearby. I wonder if anyone can hear me.
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Sorry I can't hear you I'm deaf
Cryptic as always.
I shall read later.
Another shortskirtsandexplosions fic! Commence read.
Edit: That was excellent. Thank you for the great read.
I swear if you ever write a happy fic the universe won't know how to handle it. You came tantalizingly close with "Never" but damn if you can't ask your characters to be happy.
Alicorn Twi is best space explorer Twi. Although I don't get why she needs to "recharge" in such a violent way.
that's melancholy.
Not terrible, a quite linear slice of post-apocalyptic solitary space-life, certainly a twist on Alicorn-Twilight. I feel like the introspection was a little dull, though. You get a sense of monotonous melancholy and a small sense of foreboding, but I also get the impression that, while routine by this point, there should be a little more emotional weight than is portrayed. Once again I find that the real meat of the story is at the very end, and it throws off the balance of the narrative. The reader is interested for the same reason Twilight is, but there's very little payoff from both a setting and character perspective. It almost feels like the story wants to get right to the twist, but it can't help but have some sort of introduction. Then, when the real crux of the issue is reached, the story ends. Has Twilight really been at this so long that even tiny glimmers of hope are muted, faded colors amongst a vast starscape? Is she really just running on autopilot? I doubt it, there's so much just below the surface in the way of hope and longing, of a desire to bring warmth and joy that is there for the character but just beyond the story's reach. Even if she is just running through the motions, it's not really addressed throughout the story. The only way to infer the monotony, like a lot of the other emotion, is by reading in between the lines, to look at what isn't said as opposed to what is.
Setting is great, if not a little old hat, but the characterization and narrative flow need work.
Another excellent story that makes me sad but shouldn't.
Well done.
I absolutely adore the way the descriptions cause this to play like a movie in my head.
As charmingly bitter-sweet and melancholy as ever.
Also, Sedna is best planet.
I'll make sure to read this - it looks good, and I know what Sedna is - thank you, interest in minor planets on the edge of our solar system!

I'll comment again once I get to reading it.
That is dark.
And on this day A day I thought I couldnt read anything that would bring me down. I read this and somehow all I want is to hug Twilight Sparkle. Call me a softie but I cant help it. These Equines made me a this way so I can only love what I have become.
I've never done this but, I'm gonna have to like it, but not read it! I.... just can't stomach something like this, maybe later, but not now.
And then Ponies were "2001: A Space Odyssey". I like that.
I'm not really sure what kind of atmosphere you wanted to create with that end.
If mankind has the ability to make expeditions to trans-neptunian objects, then permanent outposts on Moon, Mars, even the moons of Jupiter or Saturn are highly likely. And those point to a planet wide initiative that must have been successful for at least 50 years.
Sorry, I'm too optimistic to subscribe to this "World War III" scenario.
No, scratch that: I'm not sorry.
Another solid story, I don't know how you just bang these out one after another. It seems like statistically you should be able to make a story that isn't universally loved by everyone. C'est la
And look, it's ticked over into the featured box. Along with a story by Exploding Colon.
...You have something against happy endings, I think. Bittersweet is well and good, but would it kill you to have a happy ending once-- if only to troll the humble marsupials who read your works?
A sad thing, to be perhaps the first and last of your kind, to wander endlessly searching for companionship and yet to find none.
Though I may be deemed insane for it, I wish her (yes, a perceived fictional character) the best of luck. May she find a peace that is not filled with quiet.
The life and loss... Well crafted Short Skirt. Well done.
ah it really sucks to be twilight right then tho I am hopeful that things get better for her but we'll never know because sse is finished with it. but i'm ok with that.
What. YOU KILLED ALL OF EQUESTRIA'S PONIES EXCEPT TWI? Holy mother of toxic waste, I'm just going to go to a corner and cry myself to sleep, Goodnight.

Wow, just wow.
That was one of the best used run-on sentence I have ever read... not to mention that the story itself was a work of art.
I think you know what you're doing...
Whoa. Fascinating, deep, and disquieting. And yet, in all the death and desolation, there's still a spark of hope...
Excellently written. Thank you. Also, I noticed that for some bizarre reason, I hadn't been watching you. This travesty has since been rectified.
That was glorious.
the story is brilliant and i loved how you portrayed twilight in this setting. it would be nice if ou made another chapter with twilight recieving a message like the remnants of humanity welcome her in their time of dying or something like that. just to give twilght a glimmer of hope
Jings, that was depressing.
I have a sad now.
That was excellent, truly excellent. It had something of a classical sci-fi feel to it.
Technically thats not out planet.
Or it's possible that it's not our planet.
Hm, Sedna. Haven't heard of that name in a while.
I love all the implications, reminds me strongly of Anno Domini.
1622172 'cause that's wat we do
My dissatisfaction aside, this was amazingly well written, and I wish I hadn't read some of the comments first and gone in expecting an alicorn-Twilight. Though, I have to credit your skill at writing, I was wondering about half way through whether the comment I'd read had just been assuming and was mistaken. There were still other things to surprise, or not surprise, me — when she found the other ship, I half expected it to be a human ship, but the way you wrote it made me uncertain until she found a corpse. I wasn't expecting the recharging process to be immortal suicide, and I wasn't expecting Equestria to have been long-dead. I find it both heartwarming and very sad that Twilight still seems to believe in the superiority of friendship after having encountered dozens or more other long-dead alien races, many of which were presumably extinct due to war, like the humans.
The cockroaches now rule Earth
Well, that was certainly something. I love how you left us wondering, leaving us with lots of unanswered questions. I don't know what it its that's making me have doubts about it, nonetheless it was a good and enjoyable story.
That's exactly what I was thinking.
It's not everyday I read one of SS&E's fic. This once was nice.
SS&E, please, please, please remember to take your SSRI antagonists regularly.
Then maybe you'll realize your characters don't have to suffer endlessly.
PS: I escaped Earth using my warp drive. I rock.
Yeah, it is.
Sedna is a far orbiting mini-planet in our solar system.
The more you know
I was sent to outer space
To find another happy place
Now I'm left here all alone
A million miles away from home
Floating through the galaxy
All the stars in front of me
Now I'm left here all alone
A million miles away from home.
Also, when I got to "Below, the scarlet surfaces of the planet looms, forever gazing up at the lifeless derelict as it continues its faithful and unsung orbit.", my eye twitched.
I knew that!
But really, why is their a colony their but not on mars?
And why didn't they send out about (1k) of our best and biggest to save the spices.
Maybe they did, we don't know.

*Sigh* Another depressing MLP fanfiction for our entertainment... at this rate, my heart is gonna burst!
Why the heck do they have to be SO FREAKIN' GOOD?!?!
I and many others would not be disappointed if this were continued in any way.
Ya know, like... in a HAPPY way? It'd be a challenge for you, if nothing else!
And then, trillions of years later, after circumnavigating the dead universe... Twi goes slightly to the left, and discovers the human colony around Alpha centauri, which had survived until thousands of years after this story took place.
Skirts has a new story!! Bet it's gonna be sad a shit
Edit:Well,I was right. Time to stop putting off reading the end of BP now, wish me luck.


Well, this is a rather dark story but Twilight's resolve and faith in life itself is inspiring, if also chilling.
Definitely the single most original way to explore the immortality issue I've seen. Bravo!
This reminds me A LOT of Gundam Evolve (Specially the RX-78 GP03 Dendrobium Gundam Chapter) in terms of Narrative... Great Job, very profund and meaningful