• Member Since 28th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


Former research biologist who now spends his time dissecting electronics and rolling around in poison ivy.


My mom finally passed · 2:28am Last Monday

After a long, long illness that stretched out for 10 years, it finally ended today.

There is more relief at this point than grief, because her mind had already been gone for years, and the rest was simply slow degeneration.

Report Alondro · 48 views ·

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Comments ( 927 )
  • Viewing 923 - 927 of 927

Didn't see it myself. Like I've seen a person here who was genuinely dismayed, and that befuddles me. It's like the upcoming Tyson fight, it's willful delusion

3433347 One has only to look at Biden shuffling in confusion onto the stage, waving haltingly and mumbling to know he's not actually running anything.

Debate happened. Thoughts?

3423953 You clearly have not been paying attention... you need more beatings! :pinkiecrazy:

Are you sure? Quad boob objectivist dommy mommy seems somewhat up your alley?

  • Viewing 923 - 927 of 927
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