• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 19th, 2013


I'm an Australian brony who likes reading stories about magical talking horses. Deal with it. Oh yeah, and sometimes I write stuff, too.


QUEENSLANDAH! (game two) · 10:28am Jun 26th, 2013

G'day again, and this time I won't have a guide on how to watch. Instead, I'll tell you about what's going on in Australia. Some political thing, Gillard got the boot, K-Rudd's back in charge of the party, all in time for the Football. Now, I must go listen to the song of my people, so, as always, GOODBYE, PEOPLEZ!

Report Jaysteeny · 432 views ·

Words I crap out occasionally

Comments ( 9 )
  • Viewing 5 - 9 of 9

334376 I did say I would read it. And read it I did. And glorious it was. And backwards my sentences are.

Hello again! Thanks so much for the Fave of A Cup of Joe! I really appreciate it!:twilightsmile:

Oops! Sorry, I got my notifications mixed up. I look forward to your thoughts if you get a chance to read it!:twilightsmile:

302983 I don't recall faving a cup of joe, but now you mention it, I'm going to go read it.

I'm glad that you enjoyed both Shine and A Cup of Joe! Thanks for the Faves!:twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 5 - 9 of 9
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