• Member Since 8th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 27th, 2013


Creepy_Pie. REASON: Didn't like mah Nazi symbol(s).
Chatoyance. REASON: I was a n00b and said some mean things about her based on rumour alone :/
Cyber. REASON: Doesn't like dead bebe jokes.
shadowbrony2399. REASON: Dunno...
Lucefudu. REASON: Brazil elected anti-gay guy as human affairs minister (or something), I said screw Brazil.
the_Changeling_Prince_2. REASON: Doesn't seem to like jokes.
the parasprite. REASON: Wanted to get on this list.
GhostlyReader REASON:

The lack of a proper understanding of the English language doesn't disturb me nearly as bad as your obvious trolling, use of Nazi symbols, and colossal ego.

Scourge The DJ REASON: I followed him.
Pleaseworkforonce REASON: He was bored. Not even kidding. He blocked me because he was bored.


So long, and thanks for all the fics. · 10:13pm Jun 19th, 2013

Eeyup, I'm going. Why? Because my grades have gone down because of this site. I got 38% in a maths exam.
So I am leaving here, leaving the internet until I get my life back on track.
I will not be on Skype, I will not be on Steam.
I will not be back for a long time. Well, I... might... log in every now and then, but I really shouldn't.
Have a good life everyone,


Report DaemoN67 · 2,226 views ·
Comments ( 2248 )
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thinking of you bro

Port or Crows?

Didn’t know you as well as I would’ve liked but you were the funniest guy on this site, Godspeed wherever you are now

This is a day I have not looked forward to. 10 years since I lost you. I’m hoping you are at peace now, that the rainbows are brighter from your side. We had a beautiful rainbow last night. Love as always, Mum :heart:

You didn't get your life back on track, did you...

Happy 27th birthday, your 10th birthday that I can’t celebrate with you. My 17 forever boy :heart:

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