• Member Since 29th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Just a Mum, missing her son. I live in Adelaide, South Australia.


8 years…… · 10:36am Jul 28th, 2021

8 years and I still miss him. A piece of my heart died that day. I miss that he would be 25 now, and living away from home, in a job he never imagined possible. He was so full of possibilities. I remember him every single day πŸ’•πŸ¦„πŸŽˆπŸŒˆ To Matthew, much love, Mum

Report Annieliz2012 · 258 views ·
Comments ( 98 )
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Hey there, ma'am. I've not posted here yet, but I was friends with your son around 11 years ago. I hope you're doing well, you're a brave woman and such a wonderful mother.

I am doing well, thank you for checking in :heart:

My apologies for not getting back to you sooner, but I seem to have missed the email notification I usually get, when someone posts to my wall.

I am so sorry you have been experiencing such a difficult time, and I am so very glad that you have been able to stop yourself.

You are very special and unique, and things will get better, but there are bad times too, and that is normal, no-one has great days every day.

I am so very glad to hear from you, and love that you took the time to contact me.

Much love, Annie :heart:

Hi there, ma'am. :heart:

Things have been really scary these past five months. Lots of thoughts that come and go with it. But knowing you, and how it affects you to this day, keeps me away from all that final stuff.

How are you? :twilightsmile: I know this whole comment looks troglodytic, but I thought I might as well check in.

Right back at you! You sound like a wonderful mother! Im sure your son is looking after you in spirit everyday, I hope the best for you!

Thank you, please remember you are more precious and loved, than you could ever imagine. :heart:

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8 years…… · 10:36am Jul 28th, 2021

8 years and I still miss him. A piece of my heart died that day. I miss that he would be 25 now, and living away from home, in a job he never imagined possible. He was so full of possibilities. I remember him every single day πŸ’•πŸ¦„πŸŽˆπŸŒˆ To Matthew, much love, Mum

Report Annieliz2012 · 258 views ·

8 years…… · 10:36am Jul 28th, 2021

8 years and I still miss him. A piece of my heart died that day. I miss that he would be 25 now, and living away from home, in a job he never imagined possible. He was so full of possibilities. I remember him every single day πŸ’•πŸ¦„πŸŽˆπŸŒˆ To Matthew, much love, Mum

Report Annieliz2012 · 258 views ·