• Member Since 26th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen May 20th, 2015

Derpy The Watcher


Beginnings · 2:53am Nov 27th, 2012

A grey-sheen pegasus sat at her usual desk. It's where she spent the time when Dinky is asleep, and no other work is needed to be taken care of. Except for one last task. A task she'll never finish. Watching, and waiting for the right moment to lift everypony's spirits up. Why she made this her mission, she doesn't know. All she knew was that it was her duty. Along with being a mail mare of course. She's the seer of the future. The companion of the doctor. She goes by many names. Two

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Weird Following Glitch · 5:11pm Jan 5th, 2013

For some reason, I seemed to have lost a couple ponies under my Following Rader, thus making me not follow them. Any thoughts about that?

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Comments ( 383 )
  • Viewing 379 - 383 of 383

Damn this is a dead account :(


Sorry I haven't been around for a while. My interest sorta fell on watching everyone.:applejackunsure:

  • Viewing 379 - 383 of 383
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~Pictures hoofed to me conveniently by the kind TrollestiaSubject