• Member Since 20th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 3rd, 2016

Gryphon Gaming

Just a YouTuber with likes of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic


About my story, Power · 10:14am Sep 9th, 2014

Since I am going back to high school, I will continue to write Power, but much more slowly. This is what I get for choosing all Honors classes...

Report Gryphon Gaming · 327 views · Story: Power ·
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-poke author with a stick- I think it's dead

Heh. Indeed I did. Thanks for following me, there'll come some good out of it eventually too. :)

184414> u helped a good writer soooo, yeah

Why're you followingme?not that.I'm complaining, having followersiis rad and all, but I don't really do anything noteworthy at all. There is of course the chance that I might write something someday (and that day will come, but it won't.be soon). So just because your apparent interest in me interests me, what caught your attention and made you go "hey, this dude is cool, I'd better.follow him ASAP."?

Also, have a moustache. Consider it a welcome into the prestigious Hadron fanclub. :moustache:

Thank you for watching!

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