• Member Since 20th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 14th, 2024




Yuri, that sonofabitch really did it this time. First he betrays Russia and fucks them over and then he goes after the world with a wide range of brain control techniques. I used to be an Allied pilot for Korea. I could drive any jet and hit any target. Well, provided there isn't a UFO or anti-air turret in the area. And no mind- control stuff... No enemy planes... No Chromoshifts... Hey, don't judge me! Look, this is how I was trapped in this world full of fluffy, friendly, and colored horses and I obviously was very wanted...

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 4 )

Well, from the first chapter I could have very easily mistaken that for one of my small air raids . So basically, if you don't beat me in the first 10 minutes, you will have 70+ Black Eagles making precision air strikes on all major buildings.:pinkiecrazy:
Like the story, btw.

2929237 I loved the classic Red alert games, not the modern 3D ones. So I went here to express dat love :3 :rainbowwild: :derpytongue2: :ajsmug: :twilightsmile: :yay: :trollestia: :scootangel: :rainbowkiss:

2929244 Yep! RA2: /Yuri's Revenge were some of the, if not the best PC RTS games!

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