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[no title] · 9:26pm Oct 24th, 2014

Report JeckParadox · 708 views ·

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I have taken a liking to the idea of the Longma and Shadhavar, would it be okay for me to perhaps include these in any future stories of mine if I so choose?

1093702 Noooo! You canceled it! WHYYYYYYYYYY!?

I'm looking at your Wily story...and wondering why it be on Hiatus? The premise so far looks good.

Mostly, I lost interest in My Little Pony overall. I still occasionally read a fanfic, and ocassionally will watch an episode if it's on, but I've kind of moved my fandom-focus to other things. Homestuck and Avatar in particular.
In particular to Longma though, as opposed to Chaos Cooldown, which I might eventually finish, it's that I was getting confused with what to do with it. I spent several chapters with a focus on a new interpretation of Sombra, and found that I cared more about this interpretation of him than the overall plot (which I never really planned out). I also began thinking that I liked the ideas behind the Night Empire so much, that I might someday write original fiction with the Night Empire as a base. In order to avoid having to delete Longma sometime in the future, so as to not put that potential future non-pony Night Empire in legal trouble.
I never really had a plan for what to do with Longma. I might write a conclusion chapter about what I might have done in the future, but never had the energy to do.
So for a variety of reasons, mostly about inspiration moving elsewhere, I've decided to cancel it.

Why Did you cancel Longma?

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