• Member Since 28th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen 43 minutes ago



What Happens Now... · 5:06am Jul 17th, 2018

...Well now, hello everyone. I'm not dead, at least not yet.

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Report Sirjadan13 · 433 views · Story: The Princess and the Pirate ·

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Comments ( 77 )
  • Viewing 73 - 77 of 77

Thanks for the fav on The Warrior in a Mare's World! What did you like about it?

Thanks for the favorite!😍😘😎

Hi there! Thanks for adding A Long Way to Fall to your favourites! It's much appreciated! If you enjoy it, please consider taking a look at the story that spawned it, Leap of Faith, by A bag of Plums!

Hey thanks for the fave! I'm glad you managed to put up with my story :rainbowlaugh:

Thanks for favoriting A Twist in Evolution! May I ask what you liked about it?

  • Viewing 73 - 77 of 77
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