Watch Dogs 65 members · 5 stories

This is a Watch Dogs fan group. You can post and talk about anything that relates to Watch Dogs in this group. All types of stories are allowed in this group. Either a HIE story or a POE story or other types of stories are allowed. But they HAVE TO relate to Watch Dogs.

Rules: I shoudn't have to tell you because YOU know what's right and wrong. Don't do thing that YOU know that are wrong. So please, don't do things that YOU know that are not ok. I don't like banning people/ponies

This is for all you people/ponies that love Watch Dogs/rap.

Comments ( 8 )
  • Viewing 1 - 8 of 8

Wonder how Blood-Line works out, its weird to see Aiden with a beard.

Glad i finaly found a watchdogs group. Would love to see a HIE story soon.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I have arrived.

365521 Understandable.

I'm waiting till thanks giving ( when the price will most likely drop ) and then buy a xbox one and watch dogs

I'm going the same thing but add the Halo: The Master Chief Collection and Assassin's Creed: Unity

i feel like sharing my watch dogs knowledge (dont worry no spoilers) if your doing a shell game you can pause and it will show the ball under the cup and theres a texas hold em poker game (i think its in the loop) that has a camera so you can cheat and look at 2 peoples cards and monitor the 3rds stress i hope i helped if anyone wanted fast money

No, I Haven't Got the Game Nor PS4 or XBOX One :pinkiesad2:, But I Do Have a Laptop. :twilightsmile:

well i finished watch dogs has anyone else?

  • Viewing 1 - 8 of 8