• Member Since 9th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen June 24th


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Upcoming project · 11:40pm Sep 15th, 2013

There's a bit of a crossover I've got in the works. It's a one-shot (so far)... though a bit of a long one. Had it for a while, actually, and I thought I'd share it with you guys tod--

"Alright! It's a story featuring Equestria's premier supermare!"

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Report Invictus · 1,726 views ·
Comments ( 205 )
  • Viewing 201 - 205 of 205

Would you ever consider submitting your Psych story to the Fanfiction Audio Recordings groups? Those groups get people's fanfictions submitted to them and then systematically convert them to audiobook or radio play form. Reason being is that audiobooks are a really popular thing and I think it would really get your name out there. Plus, I'd personally really like to hear your story Magic, Mayhem and Murder in audiobook form.


It's kind of on hiatus at the moment, unfortunately. Life has a way of throwing a monkey wrench into plans.

So, out of sheer curiousity, did you just up and cancel that FiM/Avatar fic starring Sokka that you had mentioned WAY back when?

Bookish Delight has a blog about crossovers you might be interested in. I fanboyed about MMM... Oh my in the comments section. :twilightsmile:


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