• Member Since 8th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 3rd, 2022


I'm pretty sure words go in here somewhere...


Help In a search · 5:32am Apr 29th, 2017

So a few years ago I found a story that featured a mute filly. I want to find this story again but have no idea where to look. The main thing I remember about it is this filly had notecards to communicate with and was born with the problem and it was mostly slice-of-life, with the filly going to school with the crusaders.

Anyone remember this story?

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stories used to roam these hills, but they seem to have all starved to death after their farmer stopped taking care of them.:applecry:

To be honest it was an accident, sorry. I unfollowed almost immediately.....

Sorry about the confusion.

Thank you for the follow :yay:

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If, uhhh.. anyone sees anything for a good coverart, please let me know. I'm in desperate need of some.