• Member Since 31st Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Thursday



An Update and A Goodbye · 4:36am Mar 7th, 2018

Basically I'm writing this to say goodbye but I have a bit of good news for the niche amount of people who may remember and still for some reason follow me. My good friend is going to be taking over my story The Wanderer, the Eccentric, and the Diva. He'll be working on it while he works on whatever else he's cooking up.

My friend is MasterofPlagues he hasn't been around on the site long so he really doesn't have much.

Well short and sweet, goodbye friends and followers.

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Comments ( 12 )
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Thank you for adding Sex Therapy to your favorites!

Thank you for having added Welcome Home Soldier to your favorites. I'm really grateful for that, hope you continue to enjoy it sugarcube. :ajsmug: :eeyup:

Thank you for adding War Mages and False Prophets to your favorites :twilightsmile:

Thank you for adding A God Among Ponies to your favorites. I'm really glad you enjoy it, and I hope you will keep doing so as more chapters are released. :eeyup:

Thanks for the favorite on Man of War! Feel free to comment and be sure to check out my blogs.

Brony on!

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