• Member Since 15th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Tallest of all the bronies! Maybe. Socal resident that likes ponies, war related things, and the use of the word saucy. Feel free to drop a line or whatever. I love to talk with people. Brony on!

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The future of Man of War and Happy Birthday Miles! · 1:20am February 29th

Today is Miles's birthday! Or, tomorrow is, if you're reading at the time of release. Crazy to think one of my favorite jokes with Miles was literally decided by one of the readers. As a Brony Point reward I let someone pick his birthday, and they chose Feb. 29. So now the joke goes whenever he's acting immature he replies that he is only six.

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Report tallestbrony · 308 views · Story: Man of War ·
Comments ( 414 )
  • Viewing 410 - 414 of 414

The brony that wrote the fanfiction i used to read all the time as a kid years ago was secretly a 6'7 Chad? Amazing

3142267 Been looking at getting back at it recently. Mostly just got distracted with life and such. Probably a week or so. Finally been able to write again so there's hope yet.

Brony on!

when next man of war update? also dear lord you are tall

how tall are you? I wish to take your title for myself

  • Viewing 410 - 414 of 414
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