• Member Since 2nd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


If you're wondering about the skeleton, it's part of a cool looking album cover.


[no title] · 9:16am Jan 22nd, 2016

The AU of FNAF is the same as the AU of the crappypasta shitlords, where they all magically frolic through spoopy woods with Slenderman and hundreds of gangrenous superchildren.

This is the funniest thing I've found on a website yet this year. Points if you know which site it's from without running it through google first.

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Comment posted by StarDrgn deleted Aug 5th, 2022
Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted Jun 21st, 2022

Thanks for Favoriting This One's For Earth!

Thank you for the fave on Dense as Diamonds. Please enjoy your purple marshmallow fluff. :raritywink::twilightblush:

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