• Member Since 20th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 7th, 2017


I...am a Brony. I...am proud. I...am a writer. And I...well I try to be as friendly as possible to all those I meet really. So yeah, I have a Skype and a DeviantArt. Skype: ragedanny88


Welp...Complication · 11:16pm Dec 17th, 2013

I had originally planned on an early date for publishing the revised D-Soar, but I just can't do it. Yet. Sadly to say it doesn't have cover art and I will not publish until it does. I know it might sound stupid and not a good enough reason but that is how I feel. So until I am able to lock someone down I will keep writing chapters but won't publish them just yet.

Report Warpony · 449 views · Story: Don't Step on a Rune. ·

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Comments ( 65 )
  • Viewing 61 - 65 of 65

I can understand why you stopped the Golem story. the CGOTG stuff can be hard.

93561 Don't worry bro. I still like the idea too and am thinking of how to continue. I really want to.

93559 Well I am sorry to hear that. Like i said I love it and really think it was a good idea (evident by my final comment on the story) I understand the whole roadblock thing very well, I have 3 sitting in word docs because I can't come up with new stuff. I really look forward to when it does eventually update.

93556 Don't think it is going to continue. If it does than that will be in the future. I am sorry, but I hit a hard road block in that one.

  • Viewing 61 - 65 of 65
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