• Member Since 6th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 13th, 2013

Author Support

We are the collective consciousness of the Author Support group.


The RP Overhaul Part 2 · 2:36am Aug 25th, 2012

(Speaker: Sunnydaze)

Ciao folks! :pinkiehappy:
After days slaving over a hot computer screen, we have finally cooked up the new RPs!
These will all be posted within the next six hours, and you will have a short time to finish anything you are doing in the Temporary RP before it is deleted completely, but do not despair, after taking member imput we have created a third RP that follows similar rules and restrictions to the old RP.

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Becoming a Contributor:

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And below us are some random badges that don't really get applied to many things:

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Mary Sue badge:

And finally, we have Admin badges (individualized to each admin!):

Bronymaster's badge:

Tricondon's Badge:

Sadly, Not Worthy and Peregrine Caged have yet to have their badges made. Hopefully, we'll be able to put those up soon.

Comments ( 135 )
  • Viewing 131 - 135 of 135

1412810 Haha it's cool man don't stress

1412732 Ffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ~

1411730 Haha nope it's spring bitch :ajsmug:

999866 Water bitch.

  • Viewing 131 - 135 of 135
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