• Member Since 18th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 29th, 2016

Total Eclipse

Just a dude that likes dem ponies.


The story continues [may contain minor spoilers] · 10:34pm Mar 31st, 2014

Like I said, I'll never give up on Death Becomes Her. It's my baby, and I'm going to finish it.

Things are leveling out for Twilight, while at the same time falling apart for Equestria. The problem is too large for the EoH to handle and Twi has proven that she's a quitter (to be fair, she's never dealt with anything like this before).

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Report Total Eclipse · 732 views · Story: Death Becomes Her ·

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Oh yeeeah the story I was referring to was Ladies' Night by Holy. :twilightsmile:


Thank you for the praise... but I comment on a lot of things so exactly what comments are you talking about?

I'm just gonna leave this here after seeing your comments on a story?... OMG YOU ARE LIKE A GOD TO ME I absolutely LOVED reading your points on the topics mentioned and you presented it with such clean formatting I felt like I was reading an actual report! Kudos to you good sire and keep doing what you're doing!

I'm just gonna leave this here after seeing your comments on a story?... OMG YOU ARE LIKE A GOD TO ME I absolutely LOVED reading your points on the topics mentioned and you presented it with such clean formatting I felt like I was reading an actual report! Kudos to you good sire and keep doing what you're doing!

Thanks for the fav! :D

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