• Member Since 24th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago



I'm back, kinda... Also, commissions are open! · 12:53am May 30th, 2016

Hey there everyone, after a long break, I'm finally back after years away. Between switching my major, my parents' divorce being finalized, moving once again, and plenty of therapy, the last two years have been pretty distracting. I've started to get back into writing, though unfortunately I feel I'm still a little blocked with regards to my existing stories like The Noble Guardians. I wish to work through this by opening myself up for commissions! In the hopes of being forgiven for being away

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Report nobreiner · 727 views · Story: The Noble Guardians ·

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Member Since 24th Dec, 2011

It's nice to see those who came before myself still lingering among these newer generation.

Thank you for the fav!

Thanks for the fave :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the favorite on Unchanging Truths! I hope you enjoy it as it develops.

Appreciate the favorite on All That We Are.

  • Viewing 70 - 74 of 74
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I'm back, kinda... Also, commissions are open! · 12:53am May 30th, 2016

Hey there everyone, after a long break, I'm finally back after years away. Between switching my major, my parents' divorce being finalized, moving once again, and plenty of therapy, the last two years have been pretty distracting. I've started to get back into writing, though unfortunately I feel I'm still a little blocked with regards to my existing stories like The Noble Guardians. I wish to work through this by opening myself up for commissions! In the hopes of being forgiven for being away

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Report nobreiner · 727 views · Story: The Noble Guardians ·

I'm back, kinda... Also, commissions are open! · 12:53am May 30th, 2016

Hey there everyone, after a long break, I'm finally back after years away. Between switching my major, my parents' divorce being finalized, moving once again, and plenty of therapy, the last two years have been pretty distracting. I've started to get back into writing, though unfortunately I feel I'm still a little blocked with regards to my existing stories like The Noble Guardians. I wish to work through this by opening myself up for commissions! In the hopes of being forgiven for being away

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Report nobreiner · 727 views · Story: The Noble Guardians ·