• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Mar 23rd, 2016


Sometimes I wrestle with my demons. Other times we just cuddle.

About The Liberator...

Is a Lonesome Drifter, Lone Wolf, and Wandering Shadow. Sometimes prefers to stay hidden, quietly observing the world around him as it continues to shift and change.

Sometimes likes to spend time plane-walking or traveling between dimensions, searching for answers in the eternal expanse of existence.

Sometimes likes to settle down for a while, discussing the merits of life and why we are here with like-minded individuals.

Sometimes likes to laugh and spread joy amongst others. Shared smiles amongst friends are a comforting thing in this world.

Sometimes likes to take up arms and fight for Justice in the never-ending battle against hatred and evil. Always on the lookout for those who would fight alongside him, and for what he stands for.

Sometimes likes to discover new things, delving into the dark recesses where many others fear to tread.

And last but not least, sometimes likes to sit back and read or (attempt to) write, mainly about pony.

Recent Writing Fodder


"Journeyman" Reading Now Available! Also, I'm Not Dead! · 8:31pm Nov 8th, 2014

What's happenin', forum?

And that's the only time I will start a blog with those words. Sorry, RayWilliamJohnson.

First things first, I am excited to announce that the always classy AShadowOfCygnus has gone above and beyond the call of duty yet again. I am pleased to share with you the dramatic reading of "Journeyman Speech Level Achieved!"

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Report GeneralLiberator · 796 views ·

Welcome. Wake Me Up When It's All Over.

Comments ( 32 )
  • Viewing 28 - 32 of 32

I loved your story about Legion. It was incredibly sweet. Hopefully you will come back to visit one day.

You do know he hasn't logged in for like....2 years, right?

Keep the stories going and you will create beautiful worlds beyond your imagination.

From- The True Observer

2119490 A very nice, lighthearted comedy. And for only 3,600 words, pretty well written too.

You've got talent. Hope to see more of it. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for Favoriting The Ultimatest Evil!

  • Viewing 28 - 32 of 32
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