King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,705 members · 1,390 stories

Note: Banner by cmaggot on deviantart: King Sombra Wallpaper.


We are the loyal subjects (slaves/fans) of the true master of Equestria King Sombra. Join our King in glory as he enslaves Equestria under his rule as he covers all the land in shadow to drown out Celestia's light.

Hope and love is for the weak, embrace fear and hatred under Sombra's iron hoof!

I hope this fan fiction group makes it easier for you to find fan fictions related to King Sombra.

All types of fan fiction related to King Sombra are welcome.

Mature folder is for truly dark gore filled fan fiction or clop and whatever.

Everyome\teen/mature can be now posted anywhere. Still put the stories in the right folders, but rating doesn't matter.

"Other" folder is for fan fictions like crossovers, Human and anything that does not fit with the above or below categories.

For King Sombra's sake please submit your fan fiction into the right categories or they will be deleted.

And unlike our tyrannical King treats us, treat each other with respect.

Our King's theme song by CarbonMaestro on Youtube!

Comments ( 77 )
  • Viewing 58 - 77 of 77

Am currently mid writing one, will post once am done

i was wondering if anyone knew of any stories involving sombra's redemption that aren't shippy or romantic?

A group dedicated to my favourite MLP villain? One where other ponies have shared their own stories of his power and how he became the pony he is today? I'm in! Long live the Shadow Mage King Sombra.

~ Angel Midnight

>wanting the Season 9 writers to write a redemption for Sombra
They messed him up already, why would you want them to do more demolition on him? Fan redemptions are always going to be better and more creative imo

If they did make another season of mlp. Do you think the writers would do a Sombra redemption arc and introduce Radiance hope. Also what it take for a proper redemption for sombra

Well my story has SOMETHING to do with Sombra. If you couldn't tell. Unfortunately it doesn't look like he'll be actually involved in it directly until the late half of the story. Do ya mind if I add the story now or should I wait till he comes into power?

Long live The King!

You know it's funny. I initially created my signature OC to be King Sombra's son, who'd been held in suspended animation for the duration of the King's banishment. But I ended up canning the story because it made me feel extremely awkward. Try as I might, I still can't get over the fear of being shunned for doing something that I know is commonplace here.

*sees his friends with King Sombra*

"W-What? King Sombra? But How?"

Sombra gives a very dark grin, "Don't worry about it... Just be like Shining, Mac, Caramel, and Whooves and bow before your master..."

"But I can't do..."

Sombra's horn light up and Mocha Jon's eyes turned lime green like his and he bowed to his new king...

"I worship King Sombra."

What's the difference between the "General" and "Main" folders, and is either one of them an "add everything here" folder?

Dose anypony think his crown has what appears to be the oblivion symbol from the elderscroll game series?

Strata #66 · Nov 19th, 2015 · · 1 ·

anyone else think that King Sombra is just DAMN sexy?


Put the mature rated stories into 18 plus folder.

Rating no longer matters, still place into the right folders through.

382380 So I have a Trilogy of Sombra stories, they an Origin story on Sombra but they are also heavy on the Gore, where do I put them,

392620 My stories kind of hint to Sombra being her possible Ancestor

Hint: my story Love and Death, stated that Sombra has a daughter that look like Twilight.

Comment posted by Lighttone GryphonStar deleted Sep 19th, 2015

something something story something marvel something sombra....

Also, Sombra may have somehow become my favorite villain.

Hey guys, I am a new brony to the site
A reservist in the Russian Ground Forces and of course, english is not my first language - so sorry for any errors

But I would really appreciate some feedback on my story "A Song of Sun and Moon" which is my own take on an origin story
So far, it features a young Sombra and his family visiting a Unicorn temple owned by the parents of the future Alicorn sister in the Everfree
Any comments and what not would be greatly appreciated and will inspire me to write more
And I am definitely looking forward to getting deeper into this fandom!

Best regards

~Long live the true king Sombra!

  • Viewing 58 - 77 of 77