• Member Since 9th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen February 1st


I'm an MLP/Sci-Fi crossover writer. 'Nuff said. My stories seek to answer but these three, simple questions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SC5QT6CWiSM

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[How It Could Have Ended] Doctor Whooves: The Wild Fire Saga, Parts 1-2 · 3:19pm Jul 2nd, 2024

(Ignore me being dead for so long, I was becoming a furry, it’s a valid excuse.) Despite my account being mostly filled with Kamen Rider stories, and How It Could Have Ended spending so much time detailing a Stargate story, most of my early story ideas actually focused on Doctor Who, mostly featuring the Tenth Doctor…’s pony alter ego, Time Turner, be it him transformed into a pony or an alternate pony version of him. “The Wild Fire Saga”, however, was a series of seven adventures that

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Henshin One-Shot!

Named from that crazy serum that let Keitaro use (and destroy) the Kaixa Gear in Paradise Lost, “Henshin One-Shots” are one-shot stories featuring a known Kamen Rider or known-style Kamen Rider facing off against an MLP monster or other villain in a single, no holds barred, winner take all matchup. It’s just like any other Rider fight, only you don’t have any of that story fluff getting in the way. Who will win? At least you won’t have to wait over a mid-battle cliffhanger to find out. For all Henshin One-Shots so far, check out the bookshelf listed below.

Upcoming Henshin One-Shot ideas (guess the details yourselves):
-The Echoing Sirens
-Equestria Girls: Legend of Helheim

Henshin One-Shots

Comments ( 11 )
  • Viewing 7 - 11 of 11

Mislabel, it's Chapter 9. (Why did I not notice that?)

Uh, hey, Bionicle? You just posted chapter ten of Kamen Rider EqG, but you haven't posted chapter 9. Is this a mislabel, or what?

It's Maud, how could I not? (insert rock pun I can't currently think of)

  • Viewing 7 - 11 of 11
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