• Member Since 15th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


Well this my first time at fimfiction. I'm a brony since i like My little pony friend: Friendship is magic. I hope i can get along here and make new friends. I hope.


Stellaris and progress on my Fallout Equestria Story · 3:12pm Aug 23rd, 2017

Hello again. Sorry for very long delay of my Fallout Equestria story. It takes time for me to complete and thinking. I'm been really busy playing Stellaris and I might thinking about writing a Stellaris story. Everytime I play Stellaris I always want to get the Automated dreadnought. It's one of my favorite guardians. But the ether drake it kinda worried me a lot when I don't have enough Fleet power. If this ether drake is highly aggressive and if some of my Fleet fail. What should I do? I'm

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