(Mature) BRAND NEW STORY: Not So Quiet Mountain Town · 8:41pm Dec 18th, 2023
My personal picks.
I See A Cold Wind Celestia always wanted to be on the stage! To have the lights on her, and hear the applause. But it wasn't her calling... But it was someone else's. 3,741 words · 127 · 0
Wings Above my Winds After taking up an otherwise routine charity job for the orphanage, Spitfire has to wrestle with unexpected emotions. 10,413 words · 143 · 2
The Beginning of Time
The Age of Iron. Unicorns have their magic to protect them. But what does that leave the Earth Ponies with? Something much stronger... 1,129 words · 230 · 3
The Millennia of Magi. The world is a treacherous place, no? Yet, we Unicorns are looked to as bastions of defense against these times. What isn't understood is that it is not our magic that protects is... 1,016 words · 83 · 1
The Time of Tyrants. The closer the ones you watch are, the better they are to hit. Philosophy from us Pegasi that goes back to days of old... 1,023 words · 74 · 3
An Empress' Wish. Her story is as long as time itself, but her body is as young as yours or mine. This is her story... This is Megan. 10,700 words · 368 · 10
Legacy of the Six. The Elements of Harmony were born by the care of the six. Centuries ago, before Equestria was founded, there was little... Yet, there was Avalon. 2,096 words · 43 · 2
Be Thankful! · 3:22am Nov 15th, 2024
Yo, this is Flinx, coming at you fast, hard, and with the truth: be thankful this holiday season. For what? That's for you to divine.
Family. Food. Friends. Future. There's something to be thankful for, even in the most dire of times. Find yours, and hold it tight, and it'll hold you much the same.
HAH! Nice. Thank you.
You’ll be in for a big surprise if you ever log back on I bet XD
Ah, double feature from the XD
Yet still never done one of my own stories 😭
I take commissions. But for requests, I bare it in mind. Which means I’ll keep in mind someone is interested when I move to do some writing.