
Viewing 1 - 20 of 346 results

Instant story idea! · 8:00am Apr 7th, 2016

Shining Armour 69 with Pinkie Pie!

Report The Grimm Reaper · 508 views · #mature

I'm doing a fandub! · 5:04am Sep 8th, 2016

After PMing Lobo Argost, I'm going to be fandubbing his story "I Have Vacation Days?!" The catch is I need voice actors. You can find auditions for characters in Chapter 1 here. The story is a hard M on this site, so you have been warned on that front. I'm adding cast members by the chapter, so if you get cast as a main character, which is most of

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Report Triforce of Doom · 252 views · #Mature

Why I Stopped Responding to Comments; and How to Reach Me. · 2:51pm Feb 20th, 2021

When I first started this story, I responded to nearly every comment. After the comments hit 100, I kind of realized things got a little out of control with me responding to almost every comment. In those first 100 comments, about 49 are me responding. Now obviously, I still read comments, some make me laugh, and some give advice that I take; this should be obvious in that I've gotten Grammarly to help with editing (I'm lazy with editing). I'm not making this to discourage commenting or

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Report terras · 345 views · #mature

New Fanfic · 8:42pm Mar 20th, 2017

My new fanfic is wedgie/spanking adventure story that involves a horn/wingless Celestia and Luna so if you don't like that kind of stuff don't read

Report Steel Stud · 317 views · #mature

How I Think The Same Sex Marriage Legalization Timeline In Equestria Would Be Like · 10:50pm May 3rd, 2018

How I think the timeline of legalization of same sex marriage would go in Equestria for Filly Foolers and Colt Cuddlers following along the years the series has been on for. Here are all the locations: (This is my headcannon)
Manehattan - December 22 2011
Cloudsdale - July 1 2012
Canterlot - October 31 2012
Ponyville - May 5 2013
Crystal Empire - May 10 2013
Rainbow Falls - June 1 2013
Califoalnia - June 31 2014
Baltimare - July 15 2014

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Report TheEvilCookie · 672 views · #Mature

Alicorn Biology Glossary: Ask Princess Molestia · 9:56pm Nov 3rd, 2020

Ask Princess Molestia:

An illuminated scripture that received the dubious distinction of being the first book to be personally banned from publication by Princess Celestia herself in over three centuries. If the total underground sales were counted, Ask Princess Molestia would have outsold any single book of the wildly popular Daring-Do series that broke sales records by finding a large market among foals and adult ponies alike.

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Report Bicyclette · 200 views · #Mature

My top 10 fan fics · 6:31am Sep 9th, 2015

So, I have nothing better to do and I've read a bunch of MLPFiM fan fiction in the past few months so I might as well share some hidden/obvious gems with you guys. Maybe you know about them all already, maybe you don't, these are just some of the fan fictions (that I remember) I enjoyed the most, read on at your leisure.

10.My Little Dashie

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Report flynnrenning · 296 views · #mature

How I Think the LGBTQ Rights Legalization In Equestria Would Be Like · 5:32pm Jun 9th, 2018

This Blog Is A Sequel To
This Blog's Timeline Follows Along The Years That The Show Has Been On For
Same Gender Sexual Relations - Legal (June 31 2011)
Same Gender Marriage - Legal (Partially Before August 7 2016) (Nationwide August 7 2016)
Gender Changes - Legal (December 1 2010)
Adoption By Same Gender Couples - Legal (June 24 2016)

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Report TheEvilCookie · 513 views · #Mature

600 views on Mah dream · 10:01pm Sep 9th, 2015

I don't know if I should be proud that this story managed to reach 600 views. But thanks to all people that bears the shitty English and appreciate it. I am happy the way the story works and how it has a hint of creepy feeling.

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Report Skarsnik · 300 views · #Mature

The most terrifying movie i have ever seen ''1984'' · 8:32am Sep 16th, 2020


Wild Rose: The Audio Book by Wuten. · 9:22am Jul 30th, 2015

So some of you out there who've read my stories have probably read this second-person anonymous-in-Equestria (AiE) clopfic called Wild Rose by Aetherpony. You may even have read The Scent of Prey because of the crossover element with this god-like Roseluck-centered goodness. Indeed, neither TSoP or AGP would even exist without this mighty work of 4chan stroke fantasy paving the way.

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Report AJ Aficionado · 376 views · #mature

Vulgar words and my stories. · 7:18pm Jul 11th, 2019

I had recent complaints of lack of use of more vulgar words for my stories like The Dragon Lords gift. Words like cock, dick, pussy, along with curses like fuck, bitch and so on. I had already talked about my use of these words in a blog post before.

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Report Little_Draco · 300 views · #Mature

Pony Poems · 8:41am Jan 31st, 2019

I was thinking of putting all of my poem into one story so it's easier to find the poems you like as well as help with not having so many stories listed in my stories list thing.

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Report Toffee Bean · 265 views · #mature

It's been to long! · 2:30pm Feb 23rd, 2018

Hello all! I am so sorry for the longest hiatus ever in the history of hiatuses ever!

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Report DashReborn · 489 views · #Mature

Been checking my notifications...... · 12:22am Oct 9th, 2016

anyone else notice that there are a lot of mature stories being uploaded today

Report MJP · 255 views · #mature

CUSP index · 5:20pm Oct 30th, 2022

Here are all my stories from my CUSP series, which stands for Canterlot University is Sex-Positive. You can also just call it "Canterlot U", though it's not directly related to other stories with that same name.

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Report LiberatedGirl · 652 views · #mature

Ranger, Story direction question and views · 6:21pm Dec 11th, 2017

Hey all,

Ok, I have a serious question and I want open and serious answers here.

Things are progressing with Shane and Applejack, and yes I they will likely 'get together' at some point. The question is, as my readers would you rather...

1)See some/most the "action" in the main story done in a chapter marked "skip if you want" so you don't have to read it.

2)See the action taken to a side story (like I did with PVFD) so it could be skipped over or looked at as you wanted.

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Report Rescue Sunstreak · 385 views · #Poll #Mature

Made a collab · 6:09pm Apr 3rd, 2020

Hi guys! I am happy to announce that I made a collab with another author.

It's a mature story about Alice and Thunderlane.

Why? Because it was a thought I played with a long time ago and I find there are too few stallion on woman stories out there.

So, anyone interested (And old enough) have a go!

Report Bronycommander · 251 views · #Mature #Collab

Got any questions about Lorenzo? personal questions are the main point, and for once? NSFW questions are allowed, have at it · 3:06am Aug 17th, 2019

Got any questions about Lorenzo? personal questions are the main point, and for once? NSFW questions are allowed, have at it, just remember, no spoilers for the story, this is just so ya'll get a better idea of who Lorenzo actually is

Report Shadowflameking · 299 views · #mature #NSFW

The naughty Chapter · 3:08pm Dec 6th, 2018

Well, there you have it, my first real naughty chapter:trollestia:

[Adult story embed hidden]

I must say it was a challenge to write it, google up a few things, or, a lot more things in english, use a lot of help from my editor and pre-reader Drache Schatten and also get sure it halfway is accurate to what I had on mind when translating my thoughts.

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Report Azure Drache · 283 views · #Mature #Naughty
Viewing 1 - 20 of 346 results