
Viewing 1 - 20 of 525 results

I'm not sure what to do next · 8:38am May 22nd, 2018

Yeah, I'm kinda in one of those moments when it comes to my writing. I have about another week or so before June begins, which means I only have so much time to write out stuff for one of my personal projects. Unfortunately, I have no idea what to focus on first since I have too many options. I'd ask on Patreon, but I currently only have 8 Patrons (plus, I have a poll planned for them on my June commission project). So I figured since I have over 700

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Report TheVClaw · 503 views · #Poll

Micro Female Form · 7:01pm Jul 5th, 2019

Hey guys. I had a question for you. In my one story, Friendship is a game, I had my oc Micro, learn a modification skill that I had him use to change into a female form. I noticed one complaint a few chapters back, but it didn't seem to bug them that much. Then, recently, another person complained more indepth. I find it funny, but haven't really made any big plans to use them in the future since Micro has abilities and items that put him on par with HDD form. I know some people enjoy female

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Report Twistedphoenix1 · 533 views · #poll

Question · 9:51pm Jun 7th, 2020

Ok, show of hands, who wants Twilight to meet Spike pre show? Simple answers people, Y/N tell me down in the comments.

Report TAD2 · 429 views · #Poll

POLL: And now for something completely different! · 4:14am Mar 9th, 2019

Hello, hello. I've been enjoying my slow return with the three pieces I've put out. However, one was a sequel, one was something in the pipe for MONTHS, and another was an update overdue by YEARS. I feel like I've need to brush up my chops on something entirely new. I have a few ideas of what I want to do... But, you know me all too well. I like to gauge people on what sounds good, and what can be held off.

So please let me know which of these ideas sounds the most interesting to you:

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Report overlord-flinx · 319 views · #poll

Final say (late) · 11:54pm Sep 3rd, 2022

So yeah sorry for this being a day late, lost track of time.

But suffice to say due to the lack of votes from the last blog I’m gonna go with cancelling C&C:ED immediately, sorry if you guys wanted one more chapter but with this story out of the way I can focus on other stories in the works.

Report Blackwatch9 · 87 views · #Polls

(Poll) What series should I focus on? · 10:14pm Jul 19th, 2021

Head on over to my Deviantart poll and vote for which series you'd like to see more of! :)

Report Underwood · 141 views · #poll

Hello world · 5:12am Apr 1st, 2023

I like writing. I love it, in fact. That I'm very slow at it is just an unfortunate trait of mine. That means all of my commissions are still progressing, and I'll get around to everyone who reserved a space. Still, to avoid burnout, I've found I need to vary what I write, and that means taking on projects to keep my mind fresh and my skill sharp. With that in mind, I've come to ask what people who enjoy my writing enough to follow me what they'd enjoy.

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Report Drop_It_Like_Its_Clop · 208 views · #Poll

Reader Poll - Azur/Lilly Subplots · 8:49am Nov 28th, 2015

This one is simple. Anyone have a good idea for a subplot for Azur? I have a few ideas of what to do with him myself, but I enjoy reader input. I'm thinking of a simple romance or self improvement/discovery deal, but if someone has a better idea I may go with that instead.

Report Meep the Changeling · 441 views · #poll

What's next? · 1:59am Jul 22nd, 2016

We recently started with the new story "Legends From the Dark Side of the Mirror", and we would like to know what chapter would you like to be next.

Let us know by answering this poll here.


Report GrimWolf · 606 views · #Poll

Quick poll [vote in comments] · 6:05pm May 22nd, 2016

As chapter 3 of To Serve In Hell becomes increasingly presentable, the question becomes whether you'd prefer to see one update sooner, or if I should batch up some number of chapters with the goal of being able to release them on some kind of set schedule.

So if you have a second, please share your thoughts by thumbing-up your choice below.

Report CoffeeMinion · 454 views · #Poll

Little check in (Updates to a story) · 6:56am Jul 27th, 2017

Hello everyone! We've been having some nice turnarounds lately with polls and the sort, so why not keep it rolling? There's a fluffy one-shot coming out that should be pretty alright in my opinion; but that's new stuff. So many of you aren't here for the new stuff, right? It's the old stuff that gets your goat. So, time for a classic question:

What stories would you want to see updated/finished?

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Report overlord-flinx · 421 views · #poll

Okay so, Poll time again. · 3:00am Feb 23rd, 2016

I'm sitting on a number of things now, thanks to the S5 finale kicking me into gear. That said, I've got nothing in a finished state just yet. I feel like I should post something new though, if just so I don't wind up going into another drought.

These are just placeholder names, but they are-

Luna's Rebel Phase: Connected with The Talk, in which Sunset recalls the day Vice-Principal Luna returned to Canterlot High.

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Report Conner Cogwork · 1,201 views · #poll

Donation Drive Three Poll · 12:29am Sep 2nd, 2021

So. I have a few angles for the conclusion to the DD trilogy, but they boil down to basically “just raunchy sex” or “something with character development and conflict”. Go ahead and vote and/or comment below which you prefer most!

Report Deus Foalt · 259 views · #poll

which story to make · 7:54pm Jul 18th, 2020

Idea one- based on far cry 5, the main 7 are kidnapped by a new cult called eden's gate led by starlight glimmer and her friends, Chrysalis, Tempst, and Sombra, Sunset must team up with others and save her friends

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Report red reaper · 309 views · #poll

Poll · 1:30pm Apr 2nd, 2021

Should I keep the joke chapter?

1 for yes, 2 for no :)

Report iAmSiNnEr · 520 views · #poll

A Quick Poll In Regards to Update Frequency · 6:19pm Dec 11th, 2020

So I have come into a backlog of chapters due to some unforeseen free time facilitating more writing. I am asking you, the readers how you would like this handled.

Poll is HERE for any interested parties. Current backlog is two unpublished chapters.


Polls in! YAY. · 4:06am Jul 26th, 2017

Yippy-skippy, the polls are in! By a single vote in the end, fluff beats out the meat and potatoes. But don't feel too bad, we'll get to the meat and potatoes a bit later as a consolation victory.

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Report overlord-flinx · 436 views · #poll

Strange, strange questionnaire. · 3:12am Aug 8th, 2017

This is perhaps the strangest question I have ever asked everyone. Yet, I believe it does lend itself to some interesting answers. You may find the question unorthodox and deserving a few questions in response, and I'll gladly ask them if you want. But, more to the point, I want you to answer however you want with how many responses as you want.

You can add any characters or subtract any as you see fit, but the main goal is this:

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Report overlord-flinx · 506 views · #poll

POLL: Relative in Relations. · 6:00pm Sep 6th, 2019

Guys... relationships are important. Nobody get out of your seat to praise me a great visionary for imparting such momentous news upon you. Your stunned awe at my brilliant and original observation is enough.

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Report overlord-flinx · 250 views · #Poll

What should I write next? · 1:09am Apr 28th, 2019

I know I said I’m on break, but I’ve actually still been doing some writing. Oops?

I’m kind of undecided on what I want to write next, so I figured I’d ask the two or three people who read my blogs which idea they like best. I’ve got an anonymous google survey for it, so that should make things easy.

The Poll

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Report Dead_Mares · 191 views · #Poll
Viewing 1 - 20 of 525 results